UFC 122 Weigh In was over an hour ago, and I wasn't able to give the latest live updates of UFC 122 Weigh In Live. As the UFC 122 will be headlined by Nate "The Great" Marquardt and Yushin "Thunder" Okami Live at the Konig Pilsener Arena, Oberhausen, Germany which is set on Nov 13. If you missed to see this two UFC 122 fighters weighed, then it a chance of you to catch UFC 122 Replay Video Online and on ufc.com
The Full UFC 122 Weigh In Results:
* Nate Marquardt -186 vs. Yushin Okami -185
* Jorge Rivera -185 vs. Alessio Sakara -186
* Dennis Siver -155 vs. Andre Winner -155
* Amir Sadollah -170 vs. Peter Sobotta -169
* Krzysztof Soszynski -206 vs. Goran Reljic -205
* Alexandre "Cacareco" Ferreira -204 vs. Vladimir Matyushenko -205
* Pascal Krauss -170 vs. Mark Scanlon -170
* Duane "Bang" Ludwig -170 vs. Nick Osipczak -171
* Rob Kimmons -184 vs. Kyle Noke -185
* Seth Petruzelli -205 vs. Karlos Vemola -205
* Kris McCray -171 vs. Carlos Eduardo Rocha -170
Keep the live updates for the UFC 122 Live fight on Nov 13, 2010!
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